20 Jul 2017

Unstable release 0.9.7

by Michael Zahniser

A new release is now available on GitHub, unstable version 0.9.7. This version focuses on adding new features, some of which may still have bugs in them. Downloads are available for Mac OS X, 64-bit Windows, and 32-bit Windows. Ubuntu Linux packages are available in a PPA, and a Debian Linux package is also available. For more details, see the changelog.

Release 0.9.8 will be a stable release, mostly just fixing bugs that crop up in 0.9.7 and also making small safe changes, like adding the missing outfit images for the Remnant. I’ll be on vacation in the second half of August, so depending on how many bugs come up 0.9.8 will either be in mid-August or in early September.

For 0.9.9, my main goal is to add the third and final part of the Wanderers story. I may also get around to the AI overhaul that I’ve been meaning to do for a while.

« Timeline of ship graphics Stable release 0.9.8 »